CIBSE Approved CPD: The Importance of Effective Filtration & Water Treatment in Heating and Cooling Systems.
Subjects include:
- Water quality requirements for modern HVAC systems
- Reducing Risk: Identifying the key issues which threaten new build and refurbishment projects.
- The impact of effective water treatment and filtration on performance, resilience and lifespan.
- Energy efficiency and the environment.
- Effective control of bacteria.
- The role of water treatment in successful commissioning and hand-over.
The presentation can be modified for specific requirements e.g.
Critical Cooling Systems/ Data Centres.
The presentation lasts approximately 45 minutes, with time for questions and discussion.
Enwa can cover the cost of a buffet lunch and CPD seminars can be booked for any time of the year and for any size of group.
CPD certificates are issued to all attendees. The CPD can also be offered remotely via Teams or Zoom if required.
BSRIA Guides:
BG 50_2021 Water Treatment for Closed Heating and Cooling
“Side-stream filtration can be used to help maintain a low concentration of suspended solids in the circulating water
and reduce the risk of solids deposition and under-deposit corrosion in areas of low flow.”
BG 29_2020 Pre-Commission Cleaning of Pipework Systems
“Side-stream filtration can help to preserve the condition of the system after cleaning by capturing residual suspended solids in the circulating water and reducing the accumulation of settled solids in low flow areas and terminal units. For best effect, it should be applied as soon as possible after cleaning.
Side-stream filtration is suitable for most systems and strongly recommended for systems over 2500 litres.”