EnwaMatic Side Stream Filtration

Side Stream Filtration and Water Treatment

A unique technology for heating, cooling and process systems. Side stream filtration to less than 10 microns, corrosion inhibition, scale control and restriction of bacterial growth. A dynamic, self regulating process that ensures correct treatment is always in place, providing a practical, cost effective and green alternative to traditional chemical dosing.
Clean water lies at the heart of a reliable and efficient heating or cooling system. Preventing problems, not just removing their symptoms, is key to an effective water treatment strategy. EnwaMatic® units combine a self regulating water conditioning process with advanced side stream filtration to provide the perfect package.

EnwaMatic® units use a calcite / dolomite media blend to regulate pH, alkalinity and hardness. The result is a dynamic carbonate based equilibrium that is self regulating, reacting to changes in the quality and quantity of make-up water. The corrosive properties of soft water are neutralised, whilst excess calcium carbonate present in hard water is safely precipitated out within the media bed. Independent laboratory analysis of all site samples confirms effective corrosion control, with dissolved iron typically at – 0.3 mg/l. (BG29 2020 < 3 mg/l).

Suspended Solids and Energy Transfer

By-products of corrosion and scale formation, installation debris and general fouling can create a high suspended solids loading in closed systems. This can impact on the energy transport characteristics of the water and disrupt fluid flow rate and distribution. Particles can become lodged in moveable components such as automated valves and will block strainers, accelerate erosion and lead to sludge deposits in low flow areas. EnwaMatic® side stream filtration removes debris to less than 10 microns, including lighter, non-ferrous particles which present problems for traditional settlement, cyclone or magnetic devices. Independent tests have shown suspended solids in closed systems are reduced to levels comparable with potable water. A simple backwash procedure, which can be fully automated, eliminates the replacement or cleaning of strainers, cartridges or filter bags.

Bacterial Control Strategies

EnwaMatic® units play a valuable role in modern bacterial control strategies. Traditional chemical inhibitors often contribute to bacterial problems by providing nutrient sources. EnwaMatic® treatment removes potential nutrients, elevates pH, maintains correct flow and temperature profiles and ensures a high standard of physical cleaning, creating a harsh environment for bacterial growth. Maintaining a clean system allows more effective biocide dosing and the EnwaMatic® is complimentary to more aggressive strategies aimed at the Pseudomonas species.

The Key to Successful Commissioning

New build and refurbishment projects place increasingly demanding requirements on water quality to ensure the correct performance of modern, high efficiency components. Chemical cleaning, flushing, pressure tests and snagging works place severe strains on the water treatment regime. A self regulating treatment process, coupled with automated backwashing, offers an ideal solution from the final stages of mechanical installation through to a successful hand-over.

Environment & Health & Safety

ENWA technologies protect heating and cooling systems by combining modern filtration techniques with green alternatives to traditional chemical dosing. Control of harmful processes and the removal of suspended debris enhances the performance, efficiency and lifespan of HVAC systems.


EnwaMatic® technology protects the environment in two ways: By providing a green alternative to chemical inhibitors and cleaning agents, whilst increasing the energy efficiency and lifespan of the systems they serve.

The calcite / dolomite reaction media is also utilised in other potable water and process water applications. Treated water is clear and colourless, reducing the impact of spillages during maintenance works in ‘front of house’ areas. By reacting to any additions of make-up water and the continuous removal of debris, the requirement for periodic chemical cleaning and flushing can be removed.

Health & Safety

There is no requirement for storage of inhibitor chemicals or consumables to be held onsite and maintenance engineers do not have to manually handle filtration media, nor do they have to administer inhibitors through a dosing pot.

Water = Energy Carrier

Energy efficiency is maintained by protecting the function, life cycle and heat transfer efficiency of the key components. Insulating layers caused by scaling, corrosion or biofilm formation can dramatically reduce heat transfer, whilst suspended debris can block or damage components such as TRV’s, fan coil units, temperature sensors, heat exchangers and automated valves. Unchecked, harmful processes including corrosion, debris erosion and scale will reduce the effective lifespan of equipment, presenting a major cost and environmental impact.

The properties of water as an energy carrier can be degraded by suspended solids loading. Particles of iron, for example, will hold heat and reduce transfer efficiency at heat exchange surfaces. Boilers or chillers will operate less efficiently as design Delta T values are not achieved. Pumps may have to work harder to meet the demands of the building, or to overcome local flow restrictions. Erosion damage to impellers and seals will increase the likelihood of premature failure. Impaired sensors or automated control valves will undermine many of the benefits of BMS systems.

EnwaMatic BAF

All EnwaMatic units backwash with mains cold water whilst isolated from the heating or cooling system. However, there is a small volume of system water trapped in the vessel at the start of the process which is discharged to drain and replaced with mains water. For systems containing glycol or similar anti-freeze solutions, the ‘BAF’ (Backwash Anti-Freeze) is available as an add-on for all automated models. The vessels water content is transferred to the cooling system prior to backwash, in effect being stored temporarily in the system’s expansion capacity. At the end of the backwash cycle, the vessel is emptied of mains water and refilled from the stored volume within the main system. The installation requirements and BAF backwash sequence are described in full in the BAF installation manual.

EnwaMatic Bespoke Range

High Pressure, High Temperature and Large Volume bespoke units utilise an identical water treatment process to the standard EnwaMatic.
Vessels are constructed from stainless steel, insulated to the required depth and finished with a stainless steel shell as standard.

High specification components are selected to meet the requirements of each project, with a particular emphasis on safety and reliability. Where necessary, bespoke software packages ensure smooth integration into operating systems.

  • Manual or automated backwash options.
  • Packages include FC4/5 backflow prevention, BMS and circulation pumps.
  • On-site client training and project specific O&M manual.

EnwaMatic Mini & Midi

EnwaMatic® Midi and Mini units are for smaller heating and cooling systems with system volumes of up to ~ 1200 litres. Providing side stream filtration through spiral wound cartridges in the first filter chamber and EnwaMatic® water treatment through the second filter chamber.

The standard cartridge selection is based on the HVAC systems initial water quality and suspended particle loading, typically ranging from 50 microns for ‘initial cleaning’ and down to 5 micron for ‘polishing’ as standard. Cartridge blockage can be determined externally by the pressure gauges and flow indicator supplied.

For smaller system applications with limited available space the Midi and Mini can be wall mounted and are simple and effective, ‘plug and play’, solutions.